Digital Marketing, The Real Math.

Digital Marketing

While I understand cash is king to any business, and hard to keep, I find most business owners don’t “get” ongoing digital marketing costs adding to their bottom line. They really don’t.

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How to Add a Search Engine Optimized Post in WordPress.

search engine optimized post

I’ve been adding posts to WordPress sites for years now and find it pretty simple. But what I found with my new to WordPress clients not so much. And then to make sure they’re a search engine optimized post escapes them completely most times.

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Social Media Cyber Bullying and Mean-Spirited Comments.

cyber bullying

I was raised in a witty, cutting, aggressive dialogued environment and became a master of it in high school and college. With this background it would be easy to derail conversations for my own purpose. Regardless, I have consciously decided not to do so; one… out of manners and respect for the author, and two… for the possibility to learn something new. I would never lash out with a personal attack or cyber bullying as I see that as a weak and small minded response. I wish that were true of others.

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Company Website. Is a Designer Cheaper than DIY?

company website

A company website can be one of the last things that a startup business might consider. Many times with no idea of where to start and a lack of understanding of having one in the first place. And yet, in today’s competitive marketplace, a well designed marketing enabled site can be huge to their ramp up success and credibility. Even if their market is local only.

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QR Codes for Business Marketing.

qr codes

The new QR codes have become a powerful tool in marketing. I have designed a business card using my QR Code (see below) that I hand out in networking events to get more users to this blog for example. By using apps such as QR Droid you can simply scan the QR code and it takes your always on mobile device somewhere. Now traditionally static advertising media becomes interactive. Very powerful stuff!

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